People Counting & Conversion

Increase conversions by counting visitors with accuracy.

Drive conversion and get to know your shoppers with people counting.

It’s difficult to manage what you can’t measure. Without a reliable, accurate source to help understand traffic, you are just guessing how many visitors enter and exit your space each day.

ShopperTrak offers people counting solutions for small, temporary kiosks all the way to large malls and concert venues. We use traffic counting devices to count visitors at entrances and throughout the store to reveal deep insights into consumer behavior with up to 98% accuracy.

Our people counting solutions supply visibility into traffic opportunities, when sales occur and your performance during these critical times. By integrating traffic, sales and labor data, you'll have the insights you need to better understand conversion rates, effectively manage staffing levels around peak traffic, and make smarter marketing and real estate decisions.

two female shoppers traveling up on an escalator
  • Increase Conversions

    Align store staffing levels with traffic counter data to help increase sales and conversion rates.

  • Pinpoint Power Hours

    Know the busiest hours across your estate, based on accurate retail traffic data.

  • Understand People Movement Patterns

    View and assess shopper direction and trends within the retail space.

Learn more about your shopper behavior with ShopperTrak People Counting.

Schedule a demo
high overhead view of people in open plaza

Discover how footfall analytics are transforming retail

At ShopperTrak we work with thousands of retailers and mall operators, putting their traffic data to powerful strategic use. In this free report, we explore how retailers can elevate their data-driven decision-making.

Download the free eBook

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Retail Analytics Suite

Make sense of your traffic data and maximize total sales opportunity.